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I'm Jean Guzzetti.
I’m running for the Maine State Senate.

But I’m not running alone.

We're in this together!

My name is Jean Guzzetti. I live in Bath, and I am running to be your next State Senator for District 24, which includes Sagadahoc County and the town of Dresden. I have two daughters, one at Bath Middle School and one at Morse High School.  I love them, and I love Maine.   Still, as a family, every day we live the urgency of a dramatically changing world, and every day I ask myself:   what can I do to make sure my girls and their generation flourish in our state?

I've worked at the Public Utilities Commission and Efficiency Maine, and as a policy analyst for the Maine State Legislature.  I know the decisions made in Augusta affect our everyday lives and how important it is for your state senator to work hard, work well, and work for everyone, so that no one gets left behind...

For me, public service is not a career, it’s just part of who I am.  That is why I stepped in to fill the vacant position of Register of Probate for Sagadahoc County.  There I saw people trying to cope with incredibly difficult situations, standing at the edge of losing it all, looking for someone to hear them and to help.   I saw what compassion and respect can do to bring relief to people in dire circumstances, but I also saw the limitations of providing a helping hand if we do not have the tools and resources necessary.

This is why I am running.   As we face so many important issues, the role of the legislature is to provide our communities with the framework and resources necessary to implement solutions that will work at the local level, solutions that will promote justice and equity, economic security, fairness, and safety.


I’m ready to roll-up my sleeves and get to work for the people in Senate District 24. As I canvass across the district, I look forward to knocking on your door and hearing what’s important to you. You can contact also contact me here.

I am proud to have been awarded the 2024 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction and to be endorsed by the 3.14 Action Fund to elect scientists to public office.
“Jean Guzzetti has spent years in public service, supporting her community in roles both large and small. Her experience with the PUC and Efficiency Maine has taught her the need to invest in Maine’s energy independence while simultaneously looking out for ratepayers. This kind of holistic thinking is what Maine needs.”

Eloise Vitelli
Maine Senate Majority Leader
“Jean is committed to making government work for our children, families and communities.  As the parent of young children, she knows the challenges working families experience from finding affordable child care to keeping up with housing to health care costs.  I have no doubt Jean would serve the people of Sagadahoc County and Dresden well in the Maine Senate.”
Troy Jackson
Maine Senate President

"Jean is dedicated to her community, fearless in her convictions, and really listens to people’s concerns. I know she’ll be a compassionate senator and effective leader in advancing transformative policies to help Mainers."

Sally Cluchey

Maine House District 52

"When I see Jean, I see someone who really cares about the community. When she speaks, she talks about people working, and she has an understanding of what it means to work 40 hours a week or to juggle multiple responsibilities."

Natalie Emmerson 

Campaign Youth Advisor

"We have a lot at stake in the next election. And what’s on the ballot is our future as Mainers, and what I’m really excited about is to hear the voice of young folks realizing how much is at stake at this election, and I’m really excited Jean is making this a core part of her campaign and to see the voices of young women being featured."

Matthea Daughtry

Assistant Senate Majority Leader

“From the very beginning, Jean has shown a deep commitment to hearing the voices of young people. Whether it’s climate change, attacks on reproductive freedom, or the threat of mass shootings, our generation is calling for action. Jean is listening, and she’s ready to fight to make sure younger people like us, and her daughters, have a future in our state.”
Addie Hinds
Campaign Youth Advisor
"​I believe strongly, that Jean Guzzetti has the engaging personality, intelligence, listening skills, stamina, courage, experience (public sector, legislative analyst, mother) and heart to be an extremely successful legislator in the Maine Senate. Please vote for Jean Guzzetti."
Susan Lubner
"Jean is a very smart person and has a background as an analyst with the legislature. But there are many smart and well-informed legislators who seem to forget what their decisions will mean for the people they serve, especially those who are most vulnerable and in need of some kind of support.Jean, I am quite sure, will not forget them, but rather will have them foremost in her mind when she is elected. Please join me in voting for her in the primary on June 11."

Howard Waxman
"​For people of my generation, climate action is the top priority. Jean’s knowledge of the subject, complimented by her work ethic and drive, makes it clear that she is the right candidate to fight for movement on this issue. I hope you will join me in voting for Jean in the Democratic primary on June 11."

Noah D’Souza
"As a mother of two, with children in the public schools, Jean also understands the many challenges facing families and young people today... I hope you get to speak with her as she knocks on doors leading up the June 11 primary. I think you’ll find her impressively engaging, smart, passionate and ready to do the work."

Lorry Fleming
“Jean has the passion and she’s in it for the right reason: for service, to make Maine a better place and do everything she can for her community, and the state of Maine. For those reasons, I’m so excited to be part of her campaign."

John Bratigaum

Public Policy Advocate

Maine Legal Services For the Elderly

“I think Jean is a great candidate for the Maine State Senate. She is a hard worker: She puts her nose down and starts doing the hard work."

Adam Fortier-Brown

J.D. Candidate

Universtity of Maine School of Law

"Jean has the right experience to get the job done. She is smart, energetic and determined, and Jean has my vote in the Maine primary on June 11.”

Marcy Leger
"When Jean came to visit out food bank, it was so refreshing, because we don't get those kind of visitors. She spent a good hour there just asking questions... For a candidate to put that amount of time into my little food bank meant a great deal... I would like to see Jean on the ballot this November."

Kimberly Gates
"Maine needs legislators with big hearts and an insatiable curiosity to understand and tackle the challenges ahead. That’s why I support Jean Guzzetti for State Senate on June 11."

Christian Leger
"I’ve been very pleased with how Eloise Vitelli served as our senator in District 24 and I feel very confident that Jean will follow in Eloise’s footsteps. If we elect the right people, like Jean Guzzetti, they will support the needs of our community and help us thrive."

Mike Fear
Owner of Now You're Cooking
"It’s time for a new generation of leadership in Augusta to lead us into the future. Get to meet Jean and you will understand everything that I have said about her, she is special. The world needs more empathy and kindness! On June 11 vote for Jean Guzzetti democratic candidate for Senate District 24."

Michael Billington
"I write in strong support of Jean Guzzetti for Maine State Senate District 24. She’s not running because she knows all the answers. She’s a naturally curious problem-solver; committed to hearing all perspectives, gathering facts, and formulating positions that address root causes. Jean brings a freshness we desperately need in Augusta."

Keith Hinds
West Bath
"As a former town selectman, I know how important it is to have state leaders who are energetic, empathetic, accessible, and connected to the community. Everything I have seen of Jean tells me she is that leader. I hope you will consider supporting her in the June 11 Democratic primary."

Jeremy Cluchey

What they say about Jean

Jean on the issues

  • Defending reproductive rights and supporting our LGBTQIA+ communities.
  • Reducing the influence of big money in politics.​
  • Holding big corporations accountable and building an economy that works for all.
  • Expanding access to affordable health care and prescription drugs.​
  • Tackling Maine's affordable housing crisis.​
  • Adopting common-sense gun safety laws to protect our communities.
  • Expanding renewable energy and sustainability.​
  • Supporting environmental equity.​
  • Promoting infrastructure resilience.


  • Investing in our caregiving economy to support our youngest and oldest Mainers.​
  • Expanding mental health services.
  • Growing our clean energy economy to fight climate change.
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